Endemic region and infection regimes with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in shrimp farms in northwestern Mexico
white stain disease, shrimp ponds, risk factors, temperature, oceanic currentsAbstract
Shrimp farming, with an approximate value of 711 million dollars annually, is one of the most important primary activities in Mexico. However, it has had to face various problems that have limited its development, among which the mortality caused by the white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is the most important. In order to have scientific elements focused on preventive sanitary management actions, it is necessary to know, among other elements, aspects of the epidemiology of white spot disease (WSD). For this reason, this work focused on delimiting the endemic region of WSD, its temporal regimes of infection and the discussion on the possible risk factors that may be related to its outbreaks in shrimp farms in northwestern Mexico. Information from the databases of the State Aquaculture Health Committees of Baja California Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa and Nayarit was used; as well as the Comprehensive Aquaculture Health Program for Shrimp (PISA 2007-2008) and the Strategic Alliance and Innovation Network of the Aquaculture Industry (AERI-2008). The analysis of the information showed, for the 2007-2008 shrimp production cycles, an endemic region with the presence of the WSSV virus, located between the region of Tuxpan, Nayarit to the south and Agiabampo, Sonora, to the north. The spring outbreaks of WSD in aquaculture farms had a spatial-temporal displacement, indicating three infection regimes: (1) March-April in the southern region of the farming area (Local Aquaculture Health Boards [JLSA] of Mazatlán, El Rosario, Escuinapa, Tecuala and Tuxpan); (2) April-May in the center (JLSA of Navolato Norte and Sur and El Dorado); (3) May-June in the northern part (JLSA of Agiabampo-Sonora, Ahome, Guasave North and South). The WSD records were consistent between 2007 and 2008, with slight variations in some JLSA regarding the beginning or presence of outbreaks in spring. The association of infection regimes throughout the endemic region with the location of the oceanographic basins of Mazatlán, Pescadero and Farallón is shown, based on the differential increase in temperature within them, which may be a conditioning factor for the presence of WSD outbreaks.
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Copyright (c) 2012 Héctor Manuel Esparza Leal, Francisco Javier Magallón Barajas, Ricardo Pérez Enriquez, Ramón Casillas Hernández, Julio A. Cabanillas Ramos, Wenceslao Valenzuela Quiñónez
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