Macronutrient removal in swine wastewater treatment


  • Violeta E. Escalante Estrada
  • Marco A. Garzón Zúñiga
  • Sergio Valle Cervantes



nitrogen, organic material, nitrous oxigen


A review (2004-2011) on the biological processes that have been most studied for the treatment of pig effluents shows that these are: anaerobic digesters, upflow anaerobic reactor, anaerobic filters, batch sequential reactor, lagoon systems and biofilters. From a comparison between the mode of operation and the efficiency reported for the different processes, it is concluded that a good treatment option could be a combined system of anaerobic submerged filters with an aerated trickling filter, since anaerobic filters require a shorter hydraulic retention time for the reduction of organic matter and, on the other hand, aerated biofilters can achieve higher nitrogen removal efficiencies than other systems (lagoons, activated sludge variants, etc.). However, although there are some studies on the monitoring of the mechanisms for nitrogen removal in biofilters, additional studies are required in this regard. It is proposed that a possible strategy would be to study the effect of the C/N ratio and the aeration rate in these treatment systems.


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How to Cite

Escalante Estrada, V. E., Garzón Zúñiga, M. A., & Valle Cervantes, S. (2012). Macronutrient removal in swine wastewater treatment. Revista Ra Ximhai , 8(3 Especial), 75–82.



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