Racial complexes of maize populations evaluated in San Martín Huamelulpan, Oaxaca
zea mayos, cluster analysis, racial complexes of maizeAbstract
The milpa system generates and maintains the largest proportion of maize diversity in Mexico, and particularly in the Mixteca region of Oaxaca, this process has occurred since pre-Columbian times. In order to evaluate the phenotypic variation of Mixtec maize, 100 population samples of maize were collected and characterized from 14 municipalities in the district of Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca. The samples were planted under a simple latex design with two repetitions in the summer-autumn cycle of 2008. The morphological description was based on 18 characters plus grain yield. The analysis of variance detected significant differences between collections for all variables, except for the number of secondary branches of the spike and the diameter of the rachis of the cob. The principal component analysis showed that the morphological variation evaluated presented an altitudinal pattern according to the origin of the collection. Ear and plant height, spike length and number of branches, days to female flowering, and ear length and number of rows explained the largest proportion of morphological variability. Nine phenotypic groups were determined by cluster analysis, named as Mixteco race, Chalqueño race, and seven racial complexes composed of phenotypic expressions of the Chalqueño, Cónico, Mixteco, and Pepitilla races. The collections showed high morphological and yield variation, and the Chalqueño and Mixteco races and seven racial complexes were differentiated. During the evaluation, populations with ear characteristics similar to those described for the Bolita, Serrano Mixe, and Ancho races were observed.
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