Production of (Cedrela odorata L.), in a substrate based on raw sawdust in a technical system in Tecpan de Galeana, Guerrero, Mexico


  • José Justo Mateo Sánchez
  • Rigoberto Bonifacio Vázquez
  • Sergio Rubén Pérez Ríos
  • Leopoldo Mohedano Caballero
  • Juan Capulín Grande



Pine sawdust, substrates, fertilization, plant growth


To produce good quality plants in a nursery, commercial substrates (peat moss-agrolite-vermiculite) are used. These substrates are very expensive, which is a limitation for their use, since they significantly reduce profit margins; therefore, alternative substrates need to be sought. Pine sawdust is a cheap byproduct of the forestry industry and is available in forest areas. In recent years, it has been used as a substrate with good results. In this work, the effect of different mixtures of Pinus sp sawdust on the growth of Cedrela odorata L. (red cedar) plants was evaluated, produced with the technical system in a forest nursery covered with shade mesh. A completely randomized experimental design was used where eleven combinations based on sawdust + the mixture of peat moss-agrolite-vermiculite were studied in proportions that varied from zero % to 100% of sawdust and the mixture of commercial substrates. At three and a half months of age, the seedlings that developed in the substrate with the mixtures used were measured and the necessary variables were calculated. The greatest diameter was achieved with the mixture of 70% sawdust + 30% of the peat moss-agrolite-vermiculite mixture. The greatest height value was produced with the mixture containing 80% sawdust + 20% of the peat moss-agrolite-vermiculite mixture. The greatest dry weight of foliage corresponded to the mixture containing 90% sawdust plus 10% of the peat moss-agrolite-vermiculite mixture. However, the highest value of root weight and total dry weight corresponded to the mixture with 60% sawdust plus 40% of peat moss-agrolite-vermiculite. Regarding the Height-Diameter ratio (Slenderness Index), the best value was obtained by the mixture of 80% sawdust + 20% peat moss-agrolite-vermiculite. Finally, the Dickson Quality Index (DQI), which is used to predict the field behavior of the evaluated plant. For the aforementioned index, the highest value was obtained for the mixture with 60% sawdust and 40% peat moss-agrolite-vermiculite.


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How to Cite

Mateo Sánchez, J. J., Bonifacio Vázquez, R., Pérez Ríos, S. R., Mohedano Caballero, L., & Capulín Grande, J. (2011). Production of (Cedrela odorata L.), in a substrate based on raw sawdust in a technical system in Tecpan de Galeana, Guerrero, Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 7(1), 123–132.



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