Use of natural antimicrobial agents in the preservation of fruits and vegetables
aditives, foods, natural antimicrobials, conservationAbstract
Nowadays, there is a need to find alternatives for conservation, due to the fact that the consumption of chemical preservatives has been associated with food poisoning. The demand for minimally treated fresh products is increasing, as is the interest in antimicrobial agents of natural origin (derived from vegetables). Therefore, the combination of two or more factors that interact additively or synergistically is currently sought, controlling the microbial population, thus allowing products similar to fresh products but with fewer additives. It should be noted that the speed of microbiological deterioration does not only depend on the microorganisms present, but also on the chemical combination of the product and the type of initial microbial load. That is why the main objective of food processing is to provide well-being to humans through safe, nutritionally adequate foods and to meet the expectations of flavor, aroma and appearance, which is why the use of food additives of natural origin involves the isolation, purification, stabilization and incorporation of said compounds into foods for antimicrobial purposes, without negatively affecting the sensory characteristics. In general, more and more plants or parts of plants are being discovered that contain natural antimicrobials, for example those that include phenolic compounds from bark, stems, leaves, flowers, organic acids present in fruits and phytoalexins produced in plants, so we will not only have greater safety, but also better quality of food since these types of antimicrobials are considered as potentially safe sources.
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