Rural extension practices and conflicting links between local knowledge and technical know-how. Contributions from a case study carried out in the province of Formosa (Argentina)


  • Fernando Landini
  • Sofía Murtagh



psychology, rural development, peasants, dialogue


Rural extension practices are one of the core elements of various rural development programs and projects aimed at small agricultural producers. Despite the importance of these initiatives and the clear influence of the psychosocial dimension in their development, it is striking that psychology has made few contributions to this thematic area. In order to contribute to the development of this subject, a case study was carried out in the province of Formosa (Argentina), which included participant observation and interviews with small producers.

Based on the research carried out, the importance of studying the link established between professionals and farmers in the framework of rural development initiatives and projects was identified. Thus, this article analyzes both the type of knowledge possessed by extension workers and small producers as well as the differences and complementarities that exist between both types of knowledge, which come from subjects with different worldviews. At the same time, emphasizing the perspective of the interviewed farmers, the different reactions that arise in the face of the knowledge of the technicians and the existing expectations regarding the role of the extensionist in rural extension practices are described.

Finally, the importance of rural extension practices being based on the needs and problems felt by producers is highlighted, valuing and taking into account their knowledge. At the same time, at the level of interpersonal ties, the need for extension processes to be based on dialogical relationships of recognition and respect between both actors is emphasized. Finally, the importance of extensionists, in addition to possessing technical knowledge, having a set of interpersonal capacities and skills that allow them to maximize the impact of their actions is highlighted.


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How to Cite

Landini, F., & Murtagh, S. (2011). Rural extension practices and conflicting links between local knowledge and technical know-how. Contributions from a case study carried out in the province of Formosa (Argentina). Revista Ra Ximhai , 7(2), 263–279.



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