Informational dimension vs. communicative dimension. In the concept of extension, is Swanson’s definition really outdated?


  • Dulce María Sánchez Cadena



development, rural development, extension, PSP, information, communication


Achieving the development of a society requires actions that provide the optimal conditions for it to be achieved, without exception of sectors (economic, rural, social) and coordinators of these actions with the necessary capacities to carry them out and achieve the desired development. However, when development strategies are built on possible errors of poorly defined concepts for practicality and consequently focus activities only on one dimension, when they should cover two, what happens? We fall short in the assigned tasks and consequently, the results are not what was expected and the programmed development does not advance at the speed that was estimated.
In this short writing, we will explore the definition of extension given by Swanson by reviewing the concepts that compose it, to briefly discuss the terms information and communication that integrate it, terms that are used daily in extension activities carried out in the Mexican countryside, likewise we will review other positions of other authors to see if Swanson's vision is really outdated or not.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Cadena, D. M. (2011). Informational dimension vs. communicative dimension. In the concept of extension, is Swanson’s definition really outdated?. Revista Ra Ximhai , 7(3), 437–444.



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