Early stimulation of epicotyl growth in Pinus Montezumae seedlings LAMB
Pinus montezumae Lamb, nutricious solution, family, hydroponia, epicotyl growthAbstract
Pinus montezumae Lamb., is considered a timber species of great economic importance, from which a large number of derivatives are obtained. It has a wide distribution in Mexico and has been used in the recovery of degraded soils; in addition, it is recommended for ornamental plantations (Eguiluz, 1978). However, it is rarely used in commercial forest plantations because during the nursery stage, it shows no growth in height. In order to accelerate the initial growth rates in Pinus montezumae Lamb., four families of this species (056, 066, 074 and 083) were grown hydroponically, applying two nutrient solutions (Cooper and Standard) and using a randomized block experimental design. The seedlings were transplanted to a semi-automatic hydroponic system, 40 days after germination with an average diameter and height of 1 mm and 5 cm respectively. The duration of the experiment was 30 weeks (7 months), during which time three destructive samplings were carried out in order to measure the growth in length and biomass, in a dynamic way. The seedlings of family 056 were significantly superior to those of family 066, reaching in the final stages of the experiment the highest magnitudes in the diameter of the hypocotyl, length of the epicotyl and dry matter of the plants; between nutrient solutions, a superiority of the Cooper nutrient solution was detected with respect to the Standard nutrient solution, as the plants fed with the first solution developed larger dimensions in the variables measured mainly during the final stage of the experiment.
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Copyright (c) 2006 Nicolás Calderón Paniagua, Jesús Jasso Mata , José de Jesús Martínez Hernández, Jesús Vargas Hernández , Adrián Gómez González Gómez González
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