Perspectives of cooperatives in Monterrey, Nuevo León, facing the challenges of globalization. An approach from the legal, demographic and social relevance areas


  • Francisco Delgado Pruneda Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
  • Jesús Soriano Fonseca Universidad Autónoma Chapingo



cooperativism, globalization, juridical problems, demographic change, social pertinence


This research exposes the effects that globalization has had on cooperatives in Monterrey, in the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon, from a demographic, legal and social perspective, analyzing, in the first instance, the historical process of cooperativism in the city, the importance of cooperativism in the face of the globalizing process, the legal problems that cooperators have had to face, the demographic changes of recent years and the social relevance of cooperatives in the city of Monterrey. The objective of knowing the effects of globalization on cooperatives in Monterrey is to identify perspectives and propose alternative solutions to the problems they will have to face. This case study addresses the qualitative analysis and interpretation of information on the feelings of cooperators in Monterrey, obtained through surveys regarding the role that cooperatives have played in solving social problems.


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How to Cite

Delgado Pruneda, F., & Soriano Fonseca , J. (2006). Perspectives of cooperatives in Monterrey, Nuevo León, facing the challenges of globalization. An approach from the legal, demographic and social relevance areas. Revista Ra Ximhai , 2(3), 717–749.



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