How are identities constructed in a person?


  • Luis Fernando Bolaños Gordillo Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas



culture, social identity, construction


According to Gilberto Giménez (2005), culture, in the anthropological and sociological sense, always appears linked to social identity to the extent that the latter results from the distinctive and contrasting internalization of the same by the different social actors that compose it, according to the axiom there is no culture without a subject nor a subject without culture. Identity as part of cultural construction, appears as a topic that reveals the tastes, preferences, sympathies, rejections, senses of belonging and affiliations of human beings in their life in society, which also implies their way of perceiving the world, others and, therefore, the direction of their individual or group actions in certain circumstances and with people.


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How to Cite

Bolaños Gordillo, L. F. (2007). How are identities constructed in a person?. Revista Ra Ximhai , 3(2), 417–428.



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