A description of the experiences of tutors and tutored when changing from presential to virtual education in times of pandemics at Uaim Los Mochis Unit


  • José Emilio Sánchez García Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México
  • Jesús Eduardo Soto Vega
  • José Luis Armenta Nieblas




Pandemic, COVID-19, virtual learning, distance education, tutors, mentoring


The unexpected change that has occurred at the Autonomous Indigenous University of Mexico, Los Mochis Unit, to provide virtual education as a result of the pandemic, has caused different situations in the events of the educational institution and has made visible that there is a lack of computer equipment and digital skills of teachers who also have the function of tutors, likewise, problems have arisen in students who are tutored and who also lack equipment and internet connection, to address these problems and understand them, the qualitative paradigm has been used with the hermeneutic method, as a technique, the online interview has been used through the ZOOM platform to tutors and tutees, precisely because of the health emergency situation and the Atlas.ti tool has been used for data analysis, as a result it was obtained that from the perspective of the tutors three categories emerged: 1) personalized attention to the tutees is necessary, 2) that the tutors still are in a process of adaptation to the change from face-to-face to virtual education and 3) that there is a lack of computer equipment to attend to their virtual education activities, now from the perspective of the tutees three emerging categories were generated: 1) teachers do not give sessions by videoconference, 2) desertion is something that is already in the minds of some tutees and 3) that there is a lack of academic attention to students, it has been concluded with the evidence obtained that it is the lack of computer equipment of the teachers in this case of the tutors which affects the problems of the tutees, the Internet is also a factor but of lesser frequency and rooting.


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How to Cite

Sánchez García, J. E., Soto Vega, J. E., & Armenta Nieblas, J. L. (2020). A description of the experiences of tutors and tutored when changing from presential to virtual education in times of pandemics at Uaim Los Mochis Unit. Revista Ra Ximhai , 17(1), 85–105. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.17.01.2021.05.js



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