Corn, a symbol of cultural identity among the Ch’ols. A pedagogical approach


  • José Bastiani Gómez Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas (UNICH)



education, cultural identity, socialization, learning, ethnic group


The purpose of this work is to explain the different subjective and objective processes that corn (ixim, in the Ch'ol language) denotes as a symbol of the cultural identity of the Mesoamerican peoples; in particular of the Ch'ol indigenous group. Corn plays an important role in the reproduction of the spiritual and material life of the Ch'ols and is therefore considered a sacred food. Likewise, this ethnic group calls itself a milpero, that is, a cultivator of the precious grain. In addition, this text explains the processes by which knowledge related to this cultural practice on corn is transmitted or socialized and the role played by intra-community and family learning activities, which are ideal spaces for the survival of cultural and educational knowledge that is transmitted from generation to generation.


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Entrevista a Antonio Ramírez. Maestro bilingüe y Habitante de la col. Nuevo Limar, Mpio.

Tíla, Chiapas.

Entrevista a Pascual Hernández, habitante de El Limar Mpio. Tíla Chiapas.

Entrevista a Ricardo Montejo Peñate; maestro bilingüe y habitante de Jerusalén Mpio. Salto de Agua, Chiapas.

Petrich, Perla. 1985. La Alimentación Mochó: Acto y palabra. Estudio Etnolingüístico, CEI, UNACH. Serie Monografías I.



How to Cite

Bastiani Gómez , J. (2008). Corn, a symbol of cultural identity among the Ch’ols. A pedagogical approach. Revista Ra Ximhai , 4(2), 235–245.



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