Biofertilizers in agricultural development in Mexico


  • Adolfo Dagoberto Armenta Bojorquez
  • Cipriano García Gutiérrez
  • Ricardo Camacho Báez
  • Miguel Ángel Apodaca Sánchez
  • Leobardo Gerardo Montoya
  • Eusebio Nava Pérez



biofertilizer, new strains, agriculture


Synthetic fertilizers have low efficiency (≤50%) for being assimilated by crops. Fertilizer not incorporated by plants has an adverse environmental impact, such as contamination of aquifers with NO3-, eutrophication, acid rain and global warming. An alternative to stop this is the use of biofertilizers, prepared with microorganisms applied to the soil and/or plants, in order to partially or totally replace synthetic fertilization. The response of biofertilizers varies considerably, depending on the microorganisms, soil type, plant species, and environmental conditions. The applied microorganisms must compete with a native microflora better adapted to adverse environmental conditions, including lack of moisture in the soil, predation, high salinity and extreme pH, which can rapidly decrease the population of any introduced microbial species. The results of this research indicate that the use of native strains of microorganisms in the preparation of biofertilizers has a greater possibility of effectiveness in the field, because they are adapted to the soil conditions of each region.


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How to Cite

Armenta Bojorquez, A. D., García Gutiérrez, C., Camacho Báez, R., Apodaca Sánchez, M. Ángel, Gerardo Montoya , L., & Nava Pérez, E. (2010). Biofertilizers in agricultural development in Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 6(1), 51–56.



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