Changes in the physicochemical and microbiological properties of soil generated by charcoal production in the temperate forest of (Quercus spp.) in Santa Rosa, Gto. Mexico
carbon production, microbian count, microbian micromassAbstract
The temperate forest of Quercus spp. in Santa Rosa is one of the largest forests in central Mexico. In this forest, charcoal is produced in a traditional way by rural communities. In this work, the impact of charcoal production activity in three sampling sites of the forest was evaluated, in soil from the impact site, soil adjacent to the charcoal production site and control soil without charcoal production activity, on the physicochemical and microbiological properties. The pH, concentration of macro- and microelements were determined, and a microbial plate count was performed calculating the colony forming units (CFU) of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGRP). Finally, the microbial biomass was determined by the fumigation-incubation method. In the charcoal production soil, an increase in pH, in the concentration of base-forming cations (Ca2+ and K+) and a high microbial count of fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes were obtained, but the microbial biomass and the organic matter content were higher in the non-control soil. As for the RPCP, they were only isolated in the soils adjacent to the charcoal production site and in the non-control soil. The physicochemical changes generated by the effect of soil warming significantly affected the microbial community, favoring the reduction or elimination of dominant groups sensitive to high temperatures that actively participate in the dynamics of soil processes.
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