Students’ views of mexican nationals as english teachers.


  • Ireri Armenta Delgado



natives/non natives of the english language, ethnicity


This paper discusses the impact that the status of non-native English speakers (NNESs) has had on six Mexican compatriots as foreign language teachers. The idea of ​​the native speaker as the ideal English teacher is explored from the perspectives and experiences of non-native English teachers (NNESTs) based on the way they are perceived by their students. Through interviews in the form of personal narratives, the life stories of non-native English teachers were collected in order to analyze the experiences and challenges they face in the profession in relation to their status as non-native speakers. The information shows that NNESTs are confronted with situations of credibility and acceptance by their students based on factors such as being native and ethnicity. This of course has an impact on the professional and personal life of English teachers.


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How to Cite

Armenta Delgado, I. (2010). Students’ views of mexican nationals as english teachers. Revista Ra Ximhai , 6(2), 313–320.



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