Effect of different substrates on the growth of tomato seedlings (Lycopersicum esculentum MILL)


  • Luis Daniel Ortega Martínez
  • Josset Sánchez Olarte
  • Ramón Díaz Ruiz
  • Juventino Ocampo Mendoza




Lycopersicum esculentum Mill, substrates, morphological parameters


Obtaining vigorous tomato seedlings allows reducing plant loss after transplantation, in addition to this, there is the alternative of using substrates available in the regions that produce the species. The research focused on evaluating the effect of different substrates on the growth of seedlings under greenhouse conditions. The substrates were agricultural soil, composted pine sawdust, vermicompost, peanut shells and peat used as a control, these were placed in polyethylene trays with 200 cavities. 100 seeds were sown per substrate repeated four times. The study variables were subjected to an analysis of variance, Tukey test and correlations with the statistical package SPSS version 15.0. The sawdust and vermicompost substrates had similar effects to peat on the growth dynamics of the seedlings. Among the substrate properties to be highlighted was the water absorption capacity (CAA), where peat stood out but sawdust and vermicompost presented significant CAA, which favored the germination and emergence of seedlings. In peat, sawdust and vermicompost the seedlings with the highest dry weight, height, and stem diameter were obtained. Therefore, sawdust and vermicompost substrates represent an alternative for the production of tomato seedlings.


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How to Cite

Ortega Martínez, L. D., Sánchez Olarte, J., Díaz Ruiz, R., & Ocampo Mendoza, J. (2010). Effect of different substrates on the growth of tomato seedlings (Lycopersicum esculentum MILL). Revista Ra Ximhai , 6(3), 365–372. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.06.03.2010.05.lo



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