Software development model for ethnobilingual dictionaries


  • Melchora Morales Sánchez
  • Erasmo Miranda Bojórquez



cultural context, vocabulary, ethnicity, human-computer interaction, software engineering


A comprehensive model for the development of dictionary software is described, which will allow the storage and retrieval of textual and visual information, and most importantly, incorporating the audio of the spoken language. Taking into account both the characterization of the indigenous cultural reality and the technical aspects of software construction. This model is composed of the following phases: description of the context, lexicographic design, computational and multimedia design, construction and testing of the application. The influence of the contact of the Spanish language with the great variety of languages ​​spoken throughout Latin America is unquestionable, causing the most diverse and extensive communications. Causing that within the speaking communities there is an interest in preserving their native language so that people identify with their own roots, transmitting their legacy to the new generations. The model is designed to develop dictionary software with factors that are true in the indigenous reality, such as: low budgets, operation on computer equipment with limited resources and human resources with minimal skills. And it is exemplified by the development of the Spanish-Chatino dictionary spoken in the town of Santos Reyes Nopala, Oaxaca in the coastal region of Mexico.


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How to Cite

Morales Sánchez, M., & Miranda Bojórquez, E. (2010). Software development model for ethnobilingual dictionaries. Revista Ra Ximhai , 6(3), 445–451.



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