Tourism and sustainability: the complexity of the decision-making process in San Miguel Almaya


  • Graciela Cruz Jiménez
  • Rocío del Carmen Serrano Barquín
  • Carolina Mejía Madero
  • Luis Eduardo Mejía Pedrero
  • Juan Magdaleno Reza Meza



public policy networks, actors, relationships


This document analyzes the decision-making process in 2010 regarding tourism in San Miguel Almaya, Mex., a town of Otomi origin that preserves uses and customs based on its communal tenure system, but which has gradually been transformed, basically as a result of its transition from an agricultural to a commercial community in recent decades. The analysis was based on the Public Policy Networks approach, which studies the relationships generated between actors grouped around public problems; in this case ecological, normative, cultural and technical, among others associated to a greater or lesser extent with tourism, which prevent sustainable conditions for its inhabitants. The methodology used was based on the proposal of Cruz (2008) that identifies the objectives and interests of the actors, for this study in particular with respect to tourism activity and the actions linked to it; The resources that they bring into play and the cooperative relationships they establish to achieve their goals, as well as the dependence they observe with other members of the public policy network that is built as an abstraction of the complex network of interactions on the reality that is presented in San Miguel Almaya, were also considered. The documentary review, especially of specialized literature, in-depth interviews with key actors, field work and periodic meetings with local authorities, provided elements to analyze the political game played by local and municipal officials, private actors and the academy, all of them members of the network. As a result, it was detected how some uses and customs have been surpassed by economic, social and cultural transformations and their repercussions on the natural and cultural heritage of the community, which consequently put at risk tourism that serves as the articulating axis of actions aimed at the rescue, use and conservation of its forest, lagoon, religious festivals, identity, community work and urban image.


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Recursos electrónicos

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How to Cite

Cruz Jiménez, G., Serrano Barquín , R. del C., Mejía Madero, C., Mejía Pedrero, L. E., & Reza Meza, J. M. (2010). Tourism and sustainability: the complexity of the decision-making process in San Miguel Almaya. Revista Ra Ximhai , 6(3), 379–392.



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