Community engagement projects with a focus on historical anthropology at UIEP-South


  • Felipe Javier Galán López
  • Verónica Luna Villanueva



historical thinking, linking, community, interculturality, ngigua culture


The work that it's presented in this article is about a theoretical-methodological proposal on communitary vinculation focused on the category of historical thinking, designed and applied by a team of two professors and students in Language and Culture from the Intercultural University of the State of Puebla (in San Marcos Tlacoyalco), in between august 2019 and January 2020, the students are part of the ngigua (popoloca) community
We show the work of four brigades of students, which applied for the activities in their community, plus their participation on vinculation projects, under a theoretical review parting from history and critical thinking, with the purpose of making of history something vivencial, that allows the design of projects for the benefit of the community.


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Le Goff J (1997) Pensar la historia, Madrid, España: Paidós.

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How to Cite

Galán López, F. J., & Luna Villanueva, V. (2021). Community engagement projects with a focus on historical anthropology at UIEP-South. Revista Ra Ximhai , 17(2), 245–263.



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