All roads lead to the SEP Evaluation as a means to achieve public financing


  • Isidoro Beltrán Verduzco Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México



evaluation, educational institutions, public financing


The evaluation of higher education was institutionalized in Mexico with the Federal Government's Program for Educational Modernization 1989-1994. This program established permanent internal and external evaluations of institutions as a priority action, in order to promote the improvement of the quality of the educational programs and services they offered, and as a goal the creation of an entity that would integrate and articulate a national process of evaluation of higher education. In general, accreditation is understood as a process that integrates three distinct phases: the recognition of official validity or the official registration of the program with the Ministry of Public Education, which allows the institution to begin its academic activities; the monitoring of the development of its institutional project during an established period of time in order to establish its relevance and feasibility; and the subsequent evaluation that constantly accompanies the institutional life, largely conditioned by the granting of certain public financing.


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Serramona, Jaime. 2004. Factores e indicadores de calidad en la educación. Ed. Ocatedro, Barcelona, España.

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–––––(En línea). Disponible en International Accreditation Forum (IAF).

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–––––(En línea). Disponible en ISO/TC 176, Sub-committee no.2, Quality Systems (ISO/TC 176/SC 2).



How to Cite

Beltrán Verduzco, I. (2009). All roads lead to the SEP Evaluation as a means to achieve public financing. Revista Ra Ximhai , 5(2), 155–159.



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