Cultures of training and training of educational researchers


  • Tomás Fontaines Ruiz Universidad de Oriente
  • Giovanni Urdaneta Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín



cultural focuses, educational researchers, cultures of formation, correspondence systems


This research seeks to establish the relationship between training cultures and the training of educational researchers. To do so, two theoretical categories are developed: training and training cultures, in order to then establish the connecting axes between them. Methodologically, the study is inscribed in the production model inherent to the empirical-inductive position, being classified as descriptive-documentary-correlational. Among the most relevant conclusions, we have the following: The training culture is constituted in a human act through which the subject finds himself, while defining epistemic, psychoaffective, teleological, educational, socio-historical-cultural scenarios, which allow him to join a certain cultural focus and establish a complex relationship with it, a situation that can help him adapt to it or, on the contrary, resign against it. Each era, each cultural focus, conditions the development of the training schemes of researchers, while determining the relevance of certain epistemic manifestations as ingredients in the construction of scientific truth. The training of researchers implies the weight of the governing epistemic matrix. In this sense, it can be observed how the differential behavior of the cultural foci privileges a line of thought and this, in turn, defines the path that the cognitive subjects must follow to conquer science.


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How to Cite

Fontaines Ruiz, T., & Urdaneta, G. (2009). Cultures of training and training of educational researchers. Revista Ra Ximhai , 5(3), 357–371.



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