Self-organization of water management and its problems in the Vista Hermosa hamlet in the San Marcos department, Guatemala
collective actions, local knowledge, mayan, common resourcesAbstract
As a natural resource and key to human survival, water was and is of great political and economic importance. The global shift from the capitalist system to neoliberalism in recent years has caused intense discussion about how natural resources should be managed: by the state, by private companies or by user groups. This discussion includes a debate about applied knowledge, distinguishing between scientific knowledge from external experts and local knowledge from users. The Maya developed an elaborate water management system and a great deal of local knowledge regarding the environment. The aim of this study is to investigate the current knowledge of the Maya about water management, collective actions in its management and the structure, rules, property rights and problems of water projects. Between May 2006 and January 2007, this was investigated in the Vista Hermosa village (Guatemala) with the help of 59 research partners through observations, interviews and participatory methods. Key informants provided a first picture of local water management, and starting with them, the snowball principle was applied to get to know the other informants. The data (maps, interviews, etc.) were coded and analyzed, for example, according to frequencies, differences or similarities in the codes. The water supply system in Vista Hermosa is organized by several small water projects that are managed by groups of users through a rotation of representative positions, a collective elaboration of the rules, collective maintenance and a collective solution of conflicts in the project. Through the communal organization of water management in Vista Hermosa, the local knowledge of its inhabitants is expanded by knowledge about the management of a common infrastructure. The state's neglect of water supply in rural areas favors self-organization of supply and prevents local knowledge and scientific knowledge from being in conflict with each other. This also leaves the property rights to the supply system and to the water itself in the hands of the local population.
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