Identity construction at work in call centers: provisional identity


  • Cinara Lerrer Rosenfield Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)



information society, identity at work, call centers, neo and post-Taylorism


The objective of this study is to understand the context of work in the so-called information society and the different forms of work that are developed within it, especially teleworking in call centers. In view of a new technological paradigm characteristic of the information age, the aim is to analyze the new ways of working and the different configurations of the construction of identity at work. Identity is understood here in a triple configuration: recognition-autonomy-cooperation. Our interest here is to investigate and analyze identity in work linked to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). On the one hand, these technologies, because they refer to activities of a comprehensive and immaterial nature, would translate into a reduction in the scope of the division of labor between those who conceive and those who execute, but, on the other hand, the reality of work linked to ICTs is complex and ambiguous, since there are signs of a maintenance of the division between “intelligent” work and controlled and repetitive work. Work in call centers seems to condense these ambiguities of highly controlled informational work, which would place it between the hopes of post-Taylorism and the fears of neo-Taylorism.


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How to Cite

Lerrer Rosenfield, C. (2008). Identity construction at work in call centers: provisional identity. Revista Ra Ximhai , 4(3), 775–795.



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