Augmented reality to enchance cultural tourism experience




digitalization, augmented reality, cultural tourism, technological innovation, self-guided tourism


Digital innovation is advancing exponentially, with new technologies being developed and adapted to different industrial sectors, such as medical, educational, sports, video games, and tourism. This is the case of Augmented Reality (AR), a technology based on the interaction between the digital world and the real world, where people can perceive more than what the real world provides. AR offers tourism a new opportunity for interaction with destinations, cultural knowledge, archaeological infrastructure, and hobbies, all accessible with just a touch through smartphones. This research aims to evaluate the feasibility of implementing AR in cultural tourism areas, focusing part of its analysis on the use of AR in heritage and archaeological sites to conceptualize trends in cultural tourism through mobile applications. A descriptive and comparative analysis of the literature was conducted to understand the possibility es of AR and its importance in cultural tourism, obtaining notable, applicable, and desirable information in various tourist areas. The use of AR in archaeological, museum, and cultural areas such as "Pueblos Mágicos" in Mexico is proposed to promote tourism digitalization, as well as the creation of personalized routes and activities in conjunction with Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the development of cultural tourism.


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How to Cite

Ibarra-Vázquez, A., Soto-Karass, J. G., & Ibarra-Michel, J. P. (2024). Augmented reality to enchance cultural tourism experience. Revista Ra Ximhai , 20(2), 107–124.



Artículos científicos