Music and interculturalism: virtual objects of learning from the Per-Q program




musical education, intercultural competence, digital resources


The present work analyzes the impact that Virtual Learning Objects (VLO) has had on young teenagers, carried out as part of the Per-Q program of rhythmic musical learning, as tools for the development of intercultural competence. Per-Q: Program of musical education for virtual learning environments, was a project created as part of the postgraduate studies in the Master degree on Learning Management in Virtual Environments from the Virtual College System of the University of Guadalajara, present in its first implementation as an online course of rhythmic learning. Per-Q promotes interculturalism as part of its main competences, where music is presented as an element that encourages diversity and the acknowledgement of cultural identity. The project set out to create original digital resources that provide information regarding rhythm and percussive instruments belonging to the prehispanic cultures of Mexico. Through a mixed descriptive research, it was possible to know the perception and opinions of teenagers between 12 and 18 years of age regarding two of the resources belonging to the program. The resources, which are considered VLOs due to their characteristics, seek to acquaint the new generations with their roots and cultural traditions through music, as well as to promote intercultural competence amongst young Mexicans.


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How to Cite

Martínez-González, F. E., Macías-Brambila, H. R., & Rodríguez-Jiménez, L. M. (2024). Music and interculturalism: virtual objects of learning from the Per-Q program. Revista Ra Ximhai , 20(4 Especial), 35–59.



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