Development of educational technological tools for the implementation of a non-formal environmental education program


  • Clara Alicia Gómez Márquez
  • Lorena Figueroa Ayala
  • Lilia García Azpeitia



conservation, didactic software, non-formal environmental education, thorny forest, ecological reserve


In Mexico, environmental problems require the intervention of all sectors of society, higher education institutions are an important axis to develop a sustainable society aware of environmental care. The educational community is undoubtedly one of the key sectors in contributing to the improvement of environmental quality, both because of its responsibility in educating citizens and because of the influence it has on the rest of society. Technological tools are new forms of communication and information in both public and private spheres, and must be integrated into educational systems as a didactic resource choice, which is why this document presents a project to use technological tools as part of a non-formal environmental education program, which will serve as a means of learning for environmental awareness and education that allow the regional conservation of the thorny ecosystem, mainly of the reserve that is located in the Mario Molina Technological University Lagos de Moreno Academic Unit. For the selection of the material that the program will contain, 68 children between 6 and 15 years old were surveyed, of which 84% do not know that it is a nature reserve and 90% are unaware of the ecological reserves of Lagos de Moreno; That is why as part of this non-formal environmental education program, one of the tools generated was the design and development of a web page that serves as an environmental education center for the ecological reserve, where it is intended that the Laguense population know the only endemic ecosystem of this municipal head. Another tool that was carried out was the development of didactic software represented by games aimed at obtaining knowledge of the flora and fauna that exist in the thorny forest of the ecological reserve of the Technological Mario Molina Lagos de Moreno Academic Unit, as well as the diversity of other thorn forests in other regions and with this tool strengthen the learning and awareness process about thorn ecosystems.


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How to Cite

Gómez Márquez , C. A., Figueroa Ayala, L., & García Azpeitia , L. (2022). Development of educational technological tools for the implementation of a non-formal environmental education program. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(1), 137–157.



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