ADDIE instructional design and emerging technology in higher education for English language learning in times of pandemic


  • Blanca Mérida Juárez García
  • Gabriela Elizabeth Lizárraga Orozco
  • Iván Noel Álvarez Sánchez



learning, ADDIE instructional design, english, virtual environment


This work is an investigation with a mixed approach in which the results obtained in a blended training experience in an autonomous institution in Valle del Fuerte, in the State of Sinaloa, Mexico, are exposed. The study is supported by the use of technologies, a successful case of the innovative, quality, techno-pedagogical instructional model used in various prestigious universities called ADDIE, carried out in new students of the Bachelor of International Business Relations in the subject of English I. The instructional model was implemented to improve the traditional way of generating knowledge in the classroom, with the support of a virtual learning environment to satisfy the need for communication and teacher-student interaction and improve learning processes and results. The quasi-experimental research design was used, in two groups, one experimental and the other control, to know the possible implications on the academic performance of the students who participated in the experience. For the review of the sample, the F test was established to determine the asymmetry in the data or the type of distribution, the statistical test applied to carry out the analysis was determined by means of the Mann and Whitney U test to obtain the P -value. Regarding the dimension of integrating knowledge and the degree of statistical significance, 95% was considered, with a margin of error of 5%, yielding a result = 0.02267 clearly lower than the assumed error, stating that there is a significant difference after the application of instructional design. The conclusions are presented and based on these, recommendations are made based on the results of this research.


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How to Cite

Juárez García, B. M., Lizárraga Orozco, G. E., & Álvarez Sánchez, I. N. (2022). ADDIE instructional design and emerging technology in higher education for English language learning in times of pandemic. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(1), 159–177.



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