Perception of virtual education in times of COVID 19, of the students of the bachelor's degree in business administration of the faculty of economic and administrative sciences, Sinaloa de Leyva extension


  • Lourdes Teresa Lugo Hernández Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa



virtual education, pandemic, COVID-19


The pandemic affected the education sector worldwide, causing the suspension of classes at all levels, so schools implemented various strategies to facilitate the teaching-learning process in order to continue with classes, but at the same time safeguard everyone's health; when starting online education, teachers used various means of communication to be in contact with students and teach virtual sessions, among them is the Moodle platform that the university made available under the name of UAS Virtual Classroom, they also used Zoom, Google Classroom, Google Meet, WhatsApp and Email. The objective of this article is to analyze the perception of virtual education in times of COVID 19, of the students of the Bachelor of Business Administration of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Sinaloa de Leyva Extension of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS). The method used was the mixed one that involves a quantitative and qualitative process. The approach of the study is descriptive since it seeks to collect information about what happened during the pandemic in the area of ​​virtual education to detail what happened, the structured interview and the questionnaire were used to collect the information. The results of the study show that 100% of the students had not previously received virtual classes, their feeling was bewilderment about this modality, in addition; the inequality in the conditions of low-income students is exposed, these being the most affected. This study presents the impact that it caused in said institution, demonstrating that one of the inconveniences was school dropout, as well as this pandemic situation impacted the number of new students since the numbers dropped significantly from the start date of confinement. Regarding the management carried out by the school in the face of the crisis, it carried out various actions to improve communication between academic and administrative staff during the pandemic, in addition it implemented strategies to detect students who did not enter the virtual platform, following up and providing attention to reduce the school dropout rate.


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How to Cite

Lugo Hernández , L. T. (2022). Perception of virtual education in times of COVID 19, of the students of the bachelor’s degree in business administration of the faculty of economic and administrative sciences, Sinaloa de Leyva extension. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(2), 15–36.



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