Quality education in the law education program of the Autonomous Indigenous University of Mexico in the face of COVID-19
higher education during the pandemic, intercultural education in COVID-19, quality education in COVID-19Abstract
At the Autonomous Indigenous University of Mexico, located in Sinaloa, indigenous students from all states of the republic are received, it has a student hostel and a cafeteria that a large part of the student body enjoys free of charge.
Living in the community of Mochicahui, UAIM students have access to library services and computer centers, in addition to wireless internet, so they do not have connectivity problems.
However, when confinement began and they retired to their homes, the lack of connectivity was evident for some complete, because there is no internet service nearby; and for others temporary, due to bad weather or poor service.
The objective of this article is to identify the main difficulties faced by students and teachers to maintain a quality education in the virtual classrooms of the Law degree at the Autonomous Indigenous University of Mexico and to propose possible strategies to replace content for the face-to-face return.
This reflection work was carried out through the narrative biographical methodology by means of a report of the experiences of 8 professors of the Law degree at the Autonomous Indigenous University of Mexico who for two years worked in Aula en Casa together with their students, their strategies and frustrations to achieve completion semester after semester. Monthly reports issued by the Coordination of the Law Education Program on academic progress were consulted.
It is concluded that a great effort was made by all the actors involved to prepare the students, however, the distance, the times and the shortcomings, but above all the lack of formal preparation of the teachers in the use of educational platforms, but above all due to the extreme flexibility during the pandemic, the quality decreased a lot and did not allow more than 80% of the expected learning to be achieved among the students and that as teachers they must be aware of this, but above all they must make it known to the students.
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