Factors that impact the quality of distance education in a Higher Education Institution


  • Héctor Omar Sandoval Soto
  • Samantha Fabiola López Caro




quality, distance education, COVID-19


This research work was carried out in the city of Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico, where there are six higher education institutions, three public and three private, one was chosen as the subject of study for the analysis of the problem of this research that describes the factors that impact the quality of distance education during the COVID 19 pandemic.

The focus of this research was quantitative and was addressed in a descriptive-evaluative manner; the study included 20 professors who are members of the economic administrative academy of the Higher Education Institution (IES).

The technique of collecting primary data was through the application of surveys, in the instrument Likert-type items were used, which after its application was analyzed with the SPSS statistical package


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How to Cite

Sandoval Soto, H. O., & López Caro, S. F. (2022). Factors that impact the quality of distance education in a Higher Education Institution. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(2), 119–130. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.18.02.2022.06.hs



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