Technological and phenolic maturity in Vitis vinifera L. CV, Tempranillo in Chihuahua, Mexico
tanins, extractibility, brix, polyphenolsAbstract
In Chihuahua, Mexico, the cultivation of vines (Vitis vinifera L.) Tempranillo variety was established, in order to have options for growing grapes for wine, since it has climates suitable for the cultivation of this species and this allows obtaining crops that meet with the specifications for vinification; where the objective of the present study was to determine the technological maturity and characterize the phenolic composition of grapes of the Tempranillo variety, to specify the harvest date (harvest), weight of berries and their components in Chihuahua, Mexico; made in 2016, in three vineyards: one located in the municipality of Aldama (Pasado Meridiano) and two in the municipality of Cuauhtémoc (FACIATEC and Hacienda Bustillos). The experimental design was randomized complete blocks; the samplings were carried out weekly, from the beginning of the veraison (ripening) until the harvest; Chemical analyzes were carried out: soluble solids (°Brix), total titratable acidity (ATT) and pH, to monitor technological maturity; In addition, the total polyphenol index (phenolic maturation) was quantified. The optimum result in berry quality for vinification was presented by the vineyards located in the municipality of Cuauhtémoc (FACIATEC) and H. Bustillos; however, the berries from the Pasado Meridiano vineyard showed a very early maturation, and in the quantification of total polyphenols it is lower compared to the rest of the vineyards, thus reflecting a low color intensity.
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