Worldview and community knowledge in school: representations of teachers from the bilingual and intercultural normal school of Oaxaca (ENBIO), Mexico


  • María Elena Jiménez Zaldivar
  • Yeri Manzano Flores
  • Liliana García Montesinos



cosmovision, community knowledge, school, commonality, educational practice, representations


This present document addresses the teacher's representation from the “Escuela Normal Bilingue e Intercultural de Oaxaca” (ENBIO) about the worldview and the community knowledge of the native people of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico; with a perspective of community as a way of life-based on the principles of correspondence and respect for diversity.
It is intended to identify and make visible the representations about their worldview, the knowledge, their sociocultural practices and its possible articulation with the academic knowledge addressed in the school and its educational practices, both built from different logics.
The investigation is fundamental in the theory of the representations with the contributions from H. Lefebvre (2006) and on the decolonial pedagogy with the approaches of C. Walsh (2007). The work was done with a qualitative methodology with the contributions of U. Flick (2007) and interpretative with Erickson (1989). The questions to be asked are: What are the representations of the ENBIO teachers regarding their worldview and community knowledge? How can these different positions contribute to the construction of the spaces for intercultural and academic dialogue? If it is considered that both are relevant to building and implementing an education intercultural bilingual.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Zaldivar, M. E., Manzano Flores, Y., & García Montesinos, L. (2022). Worldview and community knowledge in school: representations of teachers from the bilingual and intercultural normal school of Oaxaca (ENBIO), Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(5 Especial), 15–32.



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