Kurhíkaueri k’uínchekua (P’urhépecha new year or new fire renewal ceremony), as a regional element of identity in Nahuatzen


  • Ana Onchi Renteria




new year, flag, mother tongue, indigenous deities and identity


As is known, Mexico is a multicultural country due to its great cultural and linguistic diversity that unfolds throughout its territory. This article aims to show and argue the cultural and ethnic importance of the celebration of the p'urhépecha New Year. Festival that takes place annually in a mobile way in some community of the four p'urhépecha regions: the lake, the ravine of the eleven towns, the sierra region and the Zacapu swamp, in the state of Michoacán de Ocampo. The p'urhépecha express their struggle and cultural resistance through this historical event that revolves around developing rituals that help to claim the past with the ancestral present that is based on their philosophy and cultural history, in which an arduous reflection through questioning the sense and meaning of being p'urhépecha even in a monolingual community (such as Nahuatzen) nestled in the p'urhépecha plateau that during the months of December and January delights with its surprising landscapes that can be glimpsed in the community where the red tile roofs are covered with ice and when the first rays of the sun heat up they slide into soft drops of water that fall on the earth from which a soft aroma without equal is released and the song of the birds announces the revival awakening of the Nahuatzenses.


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How to Cite

Onchi Renteria, A. (2022). Kurhíkaueri k’uínchekua (P’urhépecha new year or new fire renewal ceremony), as a regional element of identity in Nahuatzen. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(5 Especial), 157–177. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.18.05.2022.08.ao



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