Challenges of distance education in the covid-19 contingency: an experience with primary education teachers


  • Félix Fernando Álvarez Velázquez Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México



distance education, teaching practice


This research reports the results of an interview applied to primary school teachers who are offering distance education in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic, the information was sent by WhatsApp to 8 teachers.
For the elaboration of the instrument, the aim was to define the objective: to know the challenges that the primary level teachers of the Francisco González Bocanegra Primary School, belonging to school zone 055, located in the Mochicahui Town Community, are facing. Municipality of the Fuerte, Sinaloa, once the suspension of face-to-face activities by distance activities was declared, a semi-structured interview of 11 questions was designed from the above, of which 6 are closed multiple-choice answers in which more could be selected of an alternative, as well as 5 open questions.
For the preparation of the research, the responses of 8 respondents were considered, being 100% of the interviewed population. Data on sex and age are presented, how many male and female students do you have in your group; type of problems they are facing to transform your teaching activities; From his perspective, what kind of problems are your students facing to continue the distance classes; percentage of students who responded to distance activities; the type of technological resources used for distance learning activities; the technological resources that they are interested in learning to use for their distance learning activities; the type of institutional support they require to carry out classes to distance; Through which medium would they like to receive information, followed by the group serving and a proposal to the institution to support distance teaching during the contingency.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Velázquez, F. F. (2022). Challenges of distance education in the covid-19 contingency: an experience with primary education teachers. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(5 Especial), 219–235.



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