Causes of higher education student dropouts during the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Dubelza Beatriz Oliva Garza Instituto Tecnológico de San Luis Potosí
  • María Leonor Rosales Escobar Instituto Tecnológico de San Luis Potosí
  • Ma. Dolores Delgado Celis Instituto Tecnológico de San Luis Potosí



pandemic, COVID-19, school dropouts, higher studies


This research focuses on leading causes analysis that originate school leaves from the Tecnológico Nacional de México (TecNM) San Luis Potosí campus during the COVID-19 pandemic January-June 2020 until the January-June 2022 semester and what the factors associated with them. It is a study with a quantitative approach, descriptive scope, and cross-sectional design. It analyzed the Database of the Integral Information System (SII) of the institution. The results indicated that the leading causes for which students definitively withdrawals from their studies were: 49% for failing and 51% for other reasons; the subjects that fail most frequently are: Integral Calculus; Differential Calculus; Linear Algebra; and Probability and Statistics, taught in the first three semesters of the different degree programs. The factors associated with the academic situation of the students are the average grade, the degree they study, and the number of semesters studied.


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How to Cite

Oliva Garza, D. B., Rosales Escobar, M. L., & Delgado Celis, M. D. (2023). Causes of higher education student dropouts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Revista Ra Ximhai , 19(1), 85–110.



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