Power and control through Higher Education Institutions, a case study in the state of Tlaxcala (2018)


  • Angel Yariel Molina Vargas Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala




higher education, power, control, ideology, norm


In Mexico's educational institutions there is a persistent failure to comply with the rules established for the exercise of their primary educational tasks, promoted by the main figures who hold greater responsibility for students (directors/teachers and parents). Based on the above, the research entitled -Power and ideology: Control through educational institutions) was carried out in 2018. The case of Tlaxcala. In the fieldwork, both public and private institutions of the basic education levels (preschool, primary, secondary) upper middle, and higher education were addressed. In this way, this paper aims to expose the main results obtained at the higher education level. For the methodological procedure, the qualitative approach was used, taking as an analytical method the fundamental approaches of the Critical Discourse Studies (ECD). The main results are presented through discursive categories of associative-conflictive, causality, single and mixed opinions, related to compliance with the terms of article 3 of the Constitution, the application of the educational reform, curricula and programs and teacher updating; All this within the framework of the educational reform of 2012. The conclusions allowed to identify the way in which power is produced and reproduced through the ideology implanted in the norms that govern the educational institutions addressed, providing an empirical reference of reality and the discourse that identifies it.


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How to Cite

Molina Vargas, A. Y. (2023). Power and control through Higher Education Institutions, a case study in the state of Tlaxcala (2018). Revista Ra Ximhai , 19(2), 69–91. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.19.02.2023.03.am



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