Academic bodies in the construction of researcher competencies
research formation, normal education, research groups, research actionAbstract
The work characterizes the educational researcher who develops his function in an initial teacher training institution called Normal School in Mexico, in the complexity of the dimensions in which he develops his professional activity, in a task still in definition due to the recent incorporation into institutional life, because the Normal Schools have been organized and carried out their activities for more than a century attached to teaching. The purpose is to identify and define the conditions and elements that intervene in the formation of the competences of the teachers grouped in an academic body. The research is carried out using the action-research methodology with a critical and phenomenological analysis, from different angles, stages and actors; from the vision that the author recovers as head of the research area of her instance, as Institutional Representative before the Program for the Professional Development of Teachers for the Higher Type (RIP before PRODEP) and as leader of the BCENELUB-CA-3 "Educational Researchers IBYCENECH" academic body recognized by PRODEP, with which she designs and implements a training path. The different and particular critical path described reveals the strengths and obstacles overcome to achieve each of the goals set when embarking on the path of research. Among the main results, all members of the team obtain recognition for the Desirable Profile granted by PRODEP, are recognized by the body with a collective production of only six months as Academic Body in Training (CAEF) and manage to be promoted to Academic Body in Consolidation (CAEC) in a period of three years. Among the main conclusions, the interest of the teacher and the generic competencies that he has, on which with hard work and commitment he manages to create or strengthen those that recognize him as a researcher, stands out.
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