The Witch: An Old European Memoir Through Historian Jules Michelet
witch, social memory, veteroeuropean societies, social semanticsAbstract
Reflecting on the witch is a challenge that cuts across different dimensions. The first of these is the inaccessibility of a figure that modern societies close off. However, the witch animated the everyday life of pre-modern societies and in spaces peripheral to central modernity, she still ‘exists’. This paradox frames the following presentation. How is it possible to propose an access to the medieval witch, without transgressing her narrator and imposing the current conditions of possibility on her? The proposal put forward here is to work the text of the nineteenth-century French historian Jules Michelet as a semantic, where resources of a pre-modern memory are reproduced, which, to the extent that it defines the witch, defines the society where it is reproduced. In this work, it is not in question whether the witch was real or not, whether she was true or not. Here we return to their attributes as practices that accounted for the otherness of old European society, in this case, the exclusion that fell on women, on the devil, on evil. This work is not conclusive; its function is to present a way of observing the witch, of questioning her from a specific theoretical corpus: the analyses of memory that can be formulated from Niklas Luhmann's systems theory.
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