Using robots as a fun way to teach mathematics in children's classrooms
educational robotics, robot, maths teachingAbstract
The use of the Botnifacio robot is presented as a playful proposal to teach mathematics (arithmetic) at the preschool level in two schools in Guasave, Sinaloa during 2018. Through an action research method and a phenomenological construction, it was found that all children maintain their attention in the Botnifacio activity, even when they do not have the robot in their hands, since it is oriented to the playful dimension. The novelty of the robot for children is highlighted.
Three dimensions were analyzed: psychological, intellectual and sociological. Regarding the psychological sense, it was generally observed that children were very excited because they associate the robot with one of their toys with which they want to interact immediately. It is very motivating for children, who have an emotional relationship and want to continue learning with it. The robot invites children to play, to have fun, and not to boredom or suffering. Another issue is that conflicts arise from its use, but this is part of the child's learning about tolerance, knowing how to share, dialogue, control themselves and not fight. Teachers come in as mediators of conflicts.
From an intellectual sense, the identification of numbers and their basic arithmetic operations are part of the interaction. It was observed that the majority could interpret this mathematical language by arguing the results emitted by the robot.
From a sociological sense, the children gathered in small groups and cooperatively proposed to carry out some operations. The skills of communication, knowing how to share and fostering friendship were also reinforced. They showed interest in the robot as a socialization mechanism.
It is recommended 1) to improve the design of the robot so that it is proof against the rough treatment it may receive from children, 2) to have a period for familiarization with the environment, before expecting the best results, 3) to develop a curriculum in which the aspects in which a robot can intervene are considered.
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