The diagnosis of preparation for schooling to children with intellectual disability


  • Lismay Pérez Rodríguez
  • Pablo Ángel Martínez Morales
  • Mercedes Carrera Morales


didactic and methodological recommendations, educative process


The diagnosis of preparation for schooling to children with intellectual disability face challenges in the present educative practice. This article has two main airms: to identify the main problematic situations while diagnosing the preparation for schooling to the subjects of the research and to evaluate the impact of the didactic and methodological recommendations suggest du the educative process of the kindergarten in the Special Day Care Center “Alegre Despertar”. The methods used during the research were: document analyse, interview and observations. The methods administered revealed that the subjects of the research do not reach the required levels in the areas that evaluate their preparation for schooling and the methods and thechniques used to characterizateer used reflect more the needs than the potencial each kid has. Another important need lies on the fact that the direction of the educative process is not one hundred percent in correspondence with the subjects under research characteristics and it, consequently, doesn´t contribute to the children´ preparation for life. The methodological and didactic recommendations had positive impact since they contributed, in the educative process, to favor the children behavior in the areas that guarantee their preparation for schooling.


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How to Cite

Pérez Rodríguez, L., Martínez Morales, P. Ángel, & Carrera Morales, M. (2016). The diagnosis of preparation for schooling to children with intellectual disability. Revista Ra Ximhai , 12(5 Especial), 73–83. Retrieved from



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