Educational challenges for the school conviviality


  • Laura Alejandra Ramírez Carmona
  • Vera Lucía Ríos Cepeda
  • Albertico Guevara Araiza



convivencia sana, inclusión, valores


This research has as topic the lack of values for school coexistence and the strengthening of appropriate learning environments, where they develop the various problems detected in the Camera Junior Primary School, located at the south of the city Delicias, Chihuahua. Establishing a study with students who require support to strengthen the system of values for the practice of peaceful and harmonious relations, the question that is carried out is How to create suitable environments for learning through the practice of values?; therefore, its entitled Educational challenges for school coexistence. It seeks to interact and give action to relationships and behaviors of the participants with the help of theoretical references permitting identification of the manifestations of values and environments to analyze the processes of coexistence.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Carmona, L. A., Ríos Cepeda, V. L., & Guevara Araiza, A. (2016). Educational challenges for the school conviviality. Revista Ra Ximhai , 12(6 Especial), 51–69.



Artículos científicos