Metadiscipline in environmental education


  • Guillermo Torres Carral Universidad Autónoma Chapingo



education, metadiscilpline, natural resources


In view of the complexity of the eco-social problems, it is becoming more and more common that institutional knowledge is incapable of addressing the different aspects of environmental reality, which are fragmented to the point of absurdity without ever coming together again. Furthermore, in contemporary life there is persistent reference to the uncertainty of the future, but also the affirmation of the tools that science has built over the centuries with the purpose of fulfilling the non-scientific mandate, imposed on men and women, of human subjugation to the earth (Genesis). In this work, this phenomenon is addressed from the perspective of the metadiscipline with axes in environmental education.


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How to Cite

Torres Carral, G. (2006). Metadiscipline in environmental education. Revista Ra Ximhai , 2(1), 209–229.



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