The evaluation of teacher performance


  • Guadalupe Iván Martínez Chairez
  • Albertico Guevara Araiza



performance, professional performance


This research report arises from a study that was developed during the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 school years, in the south-central region of the state of Chihuahua, in educational sector 25, made up of five school zones that provide their services to the municipalities of Meoqui, Julimes and Delicias. The study was of a mixed nature, with a sequential comprehensive-correlational procedure. Some of the results are: there is a correlation of 0.578 between the years of service of the teacher and the score assigned to his or her students in the teaching career; there is no association between teacher performance and the context in which he or she works; there is no relationship between teacher performance and the academic performance of students in standardized tests. 2.4% of the representative sample presented excellent teaching performance, 7.3% poor teaching performance. 39% of the teachers observed are classified as having good teaching performance.


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How to Cite

Martínez Chairez, G. I., & Guevara Araiza, A. (2015). The evaluation of teacher performance. Revista Ra Ximhai , 11(4 Especial), 113–124.



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