Physical activity and sport: their influence on academic performance
physical activity, sports, academic performanceAbstract
This research is descriptive under the quantitative approach, the statistical analysis method is used to know the results obtained by students of the Ricardo Flores Magón Rural Normal School (ENRRFM), who performed physical activity and sports during the four years of study of the degree in education, as well as in the entrance exam to the teaching service and analyze the relationship between Physical Activity and sports with academic performance. The results found were the following: of the 96 students of the study, a percentage of 21.87% performed physical activity and sports; this group obtained a higher final average compared to those who did not do so and had a higher percentage of suitable students in the entrance exam to the professional teaching service, as well as the average shows a better place on the priority list and a higher score, however the difference was not significant according to the statistic used for the data analysis.
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