Teacher training in the area of ​​language in preschool


  • Oralia Ortiz Varela
  • Efrén Viramontes Anaya
  • Albertico Guevara Araiza




self-formation, competences, language, communication


The research is carried out in a preschool area in the Mexican educational system, because it is important to improve daily practices in kindergartens through adequate teacher training in the area of ​​language. The most important theoretical foundations are related to the definition of approaches and models of teacher training, the training processes themselves and the auto, hetero and interformative positions that explain them. The methodology adopted adheres to the post-positivist paradigm, in the quantitative approach with a non-experimental, transversal design with an explanatory scope, with the survey technique and the questionnaire as an instrument. It was found that there is progress in teacher training from the beginning to throughout the professional exercise, the continuing training options do not satisfy the training needs of teachers and the impact is not as expected in the field of Language and Communication. There is a considerable significant relationship between the variables studied.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Varela, O., Viramontes Anaya, E., & Guevara Araiza, A. (2015). Teacher training in the area of ​​language in preschool. Revista Ra Ximhai , 11(4 Especial), 241–253. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.11.01.e2.2015.18.oo



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