Level of achievement of teaching skills at the end of profordems in ITSON and the impact on society


  • Erika Nallely López Lugo
  • Nayat Lucía Amparán Valenzuela
  • Claudia Selene Tapia Ruelas




competences, teacher competences, teacher's profile, impact


The Teacher Training Program for Upper Secondary Education (PROFORDEMS) aims to contribute to the teacher profile in the development of competencies. This study aims to know the level of achievement that graduate teachers have achieved in terms of teaching competencies at the end of the training process and then analyze how this impacts society.

The method was quantitative, an instrument composed of teaching competencies and attributes was applied, with a Likert scale establishing the four Tobón levels, to 76 teachers graduated from the seventh generation of the Technological Institute of Sonora, of which it should be noted that they were from the Navojoa and Obregón campuses, with 47 from Navojoa with the participation of 20 women and 27 men, as for Obregón the participants were 17 women and 12 men.

The results were satisfactory, more than 65% of the graduated teachers consider themselves to be at the autonomous and strategic levels, with competence four being the one that obtained the lowest percentage. It is concluded that PROFORMDES contributes to the achievement of teaching competencies.


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Página Oficial PROFORDEMS. Disponible en: http://profordems.anuies.mx/ SEMS, página de consulta: http://www.sems.gob.mx/en_mx/sems/sistema_nacional_bachillerato

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How to Cite

López Lugo, E. N., Amparán Valenzuela , N. L., & Tapia Ruelas, C. S. (2015). Level of achievement of teaching skills at the end of profordems in ITSON and the impact on society. Revista Ra Ximhai , 11(5 Especial), 63–73. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.11.01.e3.2015.04.el



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