Determination of potential agricultural use through geospatial modeling and multicriteria analysis for the Balsas Mezcala basin


  • Anastacio Espejel García
  • Jorge Romero Rodríguez
  • Ariadna Isabel Barrera Rodríguez
  • Benjamín Torres Espejel
  • Jesús Feliz Crescencio



GIS, geo statistical, geo spatial matrix, raster dataset


The use of geographic information systems (GIS) facilitates the modeling of specific information, allowing for greater speed, lower cost and precision in the planning of agricultural activities in large areas of land. The objective of this work was to use GIS as support for the planning of potential land use in the Balsas Mezcala basin. The multicriteria analysis technique was used, which allows for the consideration of decision problems with multiple objectives and criteria such as geopedological (geomorphology and soil), climatology (thermal and rainfall models) and soil and climatological requirements of crops. The Balsas Mezcala hydrological region located in the states of Guerrero and Puebla was chosen as the study area. Through cartographic material, the area was delimited and climatic information was obtained from meteorological stations. Geographic information and databases were collected from different government agencies (INEGI, SEMARNAT, CONABIO, CONAGUA, IMTA). This information was processed in ArcGIS version 10.2.2 to obtain geodatabases and geospatial matrices that served as cartographic input for the multicriteria analysis. Raster data were generated from geospatial matrices and vector data, which were subjected to a modeling process with geostatistical algorithms, and a structured language was used to identify potential areas with high levels of suitability. Using the attributes of the variables, weight values ​​were assigned using the methodology proposed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 1971 and adopted by FAO for case studies since 1977 as Agroecological Zoning (ZAE). The result of the modeling with respect to soil suitability generated 4 classes with 6 levels of suitability (very suitable, suitable, moderately suitable, slightly suitable, very slightly suitable and not suitable): land with irrigable potential, land for basic crops, land for vegetable cultivation and land for the cultivation of species of industrial importance.


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How to Cite

Espejel García, A., Romero Rodríguez, J., Barrera Rodríguez, A. I., Torres Espejel, B., & Feliz Crescencio, J. (2015). Determination of potential agricultural use through geospatial modeling and multicriteria analysis for the Balsas Mezcala basin. Revista Ra Ximhai , 11(5 Especial), 77-.



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