Análisis técnico del árbol del mezquite (Prosopis laevigata Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) en México


  • Elvia N. Rodríguez Sauceda
  • Gustavo Enrique Rojo Martínez
  • Benito Ramírez Valverde
  • Rosa Martínez Ruiz
  • Milagros de la Caridad Cong Hermida
  • Salvador Martín Medina Torres
  • Hugo Humberto Piña Ruiz



erosion, multiple use tree, monography


Mesquite grows in the arid and semi-arid regions of Mexico, including northern Sinaloa, and is very important because its wood is used as fuel, for building fences, its pods as fodder and as food for man; it produces resin that is used in the manufacture of glues and varnishes, while its flowers are important in the production of honey. For the above reasons, the objective of this work was to know and systematize the information found in the scientific literature on the mesquite tree. The methodology used was that of Musálem and Sánchez (2003). Mesquite is a biotic resource with a wide geographic and ecological distribution in arid Mexican areas, and also a wide distribution and importance in Sudan and Australia. This species has a very important ecological role since it is an excellent soil fixer and therefore, erosion controller; it is a nitrogen fixer, which improves soil fertility. On the other hand, under certain conditions they are a source of fodder for domestic livestock and wildlife. This work concluded that mesquite is a valuable species for the communities of northern Sinaloa and Mexico.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Sauceda, E. N., Rojo Martínez, G. E., Ramírez Valverde, B., Martínez Ruiz, R., Cong Hermida, M. de la C., Medina Torres, S. M., & Piña Ruiz, H. H. (2014). Análisis técnico del árbol del mezquite (Prosopis laevigata Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) en México. Revista Ra Ximhai , 10(3 Especial), 173–193.



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