Evidence of the productivity of the research-based learning system


  • Claudio Francisco Hernández Rodríguez
  • Olga Guillermina Castañeda Martínez
  • Blanca Elisa Pérez Magaña




SABI, visual health, Optometry Career


The Research-Based Learning System, SABI, (Hernández, 2011)1 is a response to the philosophy, foundations and guidelines of the Educational Model of the National Polytechnic Institute, whose objective is to promote student learning with the support of the teacher, and is made up of two axes: Achievement and Mastery. The first axis aims to cover the conceptual theoretical framework of the area of ​​knowledge addressed by the contents of the learning units, through research into the corresponding state of the art. The second axis, Mastery, allows for the evaluation of the learning process and the acquisition of competencies, establishing as a strategy to support alternative solutions to a social problem in the area of ​​health through the application of studies based on a scientific research protocol.


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How to Cite

Hernández Rodríguez, C. F., Castañeda Martínez, O. G., & Pérez Magaña, B. E. (2014). Evidence of the productivity of the research-based learning system. Revista Ra Ximhai , 10(5 Especial). https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.10.03.e1.2014.10.ch



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