Teacher-student relationship and its implications for learning


  • Edna Guadalupe García Rangel
  • Ana Karenina García Rangel
  • José Antonio Reyes Angulo




educational interaction, teaching and learning process


This document is the product of a research work carried out on the teacher-student relationship, and how it influences the learning of high school students. As part of the results, it was found that the type of relationship that the teacher carries out with his students is a relationship based on cordiality and respect, in which the teaching-learning process occurs within the framework of a simple meeting of both agents in the classroom. The main factors that hinder the teacher-student relationship are: the personal characteristics of the subjects that participate in the process, the interest, the disposition and the commitment that both students and teachers must have towards the educational act, the large groups, the little motivation that the student receives from his teacher, among others.


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How to Cite

García Rangel, E. G., García Rangel, A. K., & Reyes Angulo, J. A. (2014). Teacher-student relationship and its implications for learning. Revista Ra Ximhai , 10(5 Especial). https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.10.03.e1.2014.19.eg



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